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Hip, Hip, Hair-ay for Brave School Pupil!

Anna-Pony-Tail-06When it comes to the Christmas party season, few things are more important than how our hair looks. We spend hours scouting the hair street for the perfect outfit and just as long achieving a hair do that’ll not only last a long night on the dance floor, but it’ll look great, too.

Recently, a brave school pupil from Leeds went for a hair style of a different kind ahead of the party season. Anna Eltringham popped along to our Guiseley Yazz Number One salon just days ago to have her 38cm-long pony tail chopped off – and all in the name of charity!

Tentatively taking a seat in the salon chair, Anna, who’s been growing her hair for years, put herself forward for the challenge in order to support a charity which meant a lot to her.

Hoping to raise £1,000 for Martin House Children’s Hospice, an organisation set up to help children with life-limiting conditions, Anna had her flowing locks cut off in our busy salon. The kind-hearted young lady has also agreed to have her hair sent off to the Little Princess Trust, to be made into wigs for children who’ve sadly lost their hair as a result of alopecia or cancer.

So far, Anna’s raised £786.50 and is urging Yazz customers and friends to help her reach her £1000 target, via her donation page online.

Speaking after the event, Anna said: “When I learnt that children can lose their hair as a result of receiving treatment for cancer, it made me sad and made me think how I would feel if I had to lose all my hair.”

To Anna, her hair was her favourite feature, the thing ‘she loved most about herself’ and something she believed formed a big part of who she was.

She continues: “I found out about the Little Princess Trust and wanted to give my hair, so it could be made into a wig for a child who had no hair. In cutting my hair, I thought I’d understand what the children that lose their hair have to go through. At the same time, I also decided to use the opportunity to raise a £1000 for Martin House Children’s Hospice.”

The money, Anna says, will pay for an in-house pantomime for the Martin House children, something she feels strongly about.

“When we laugh and smile in that one small moment we forget all the bad things that are happening.” says Anna, “I was scared about doing this but what kept me going was the fact the children would be smiling while they watched the pantomime.”

Yazz’s skilled hair stylist, Charlotte, had the job of snipping away at Anna’s lovely long hair, something the school pupil was pleased about. “Charlotte was brilliant as she made feel special, and even though I was nervous she kept telling me how brave I was being and that if I wanted my hair long again it would grow back.”
With her new cropped, shoulder-length hair style, Anna looks great and says she loves her new do.
“I want to thank Charlotte and everyone at Yazz for all their support.” she says.

Don’t forget to give generously over at and do your bit for charity this year. A huge thank you to Anna who, in having her lovely long hair chopped off, deserves an extra special Christmas herself this year – a big, hip, hip, hair-ay to brave Anna!

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