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A team of 12 young hairdressers were carefully selected from hair salons across the United Kingdom to work with the TIGI International Creative team, under the leadership of Anthony Mascolo, TIGI International Creative Director, and Nick Irwin European Creative Director.

Charlotte from Yazz Number One Hair Studio, Rawdon has been selected to join the 2008 TIGI Inspirational Youth Programme.

Talented hairdresser Charlotte from Yazz Number One Hair Studio, Rawdon Leeds has been selected to join the prestigious TIGI Inspirational Youth Team for a twelve month intensive training programme in London under the instruction of a talented team of TIGI hairstylists, photographers, makeup artists and show producers.

tigi2008Inspirational Youth was started 3 years ago by global hair Product Company: TIGI. It is a training programme designed to give a group of young hairdressers the challenge of creatively preparing a show for Salon Live. This is a specially constructed 2000-seater theatre that is set up during the weekend of the Salon International Hair & Beauty Exhibition and is held at London’s top exhibition venue: Excel.

The training programme takes place over a 12 month period prior to the show. Each of the Inspirational Youth team members are nominated by their individual salon owners, but are nurtured as a team by the TIGI International Creative Team.

Anthony Mascolo, International Creative director of TIGI and renowned hairdresser, photographer and image makeup, believes strongly in pushing the next generation: ‘Youth are our future. I have always said that you have to listen to them and that you can learn a lot from them. They have the radical ideas, they bring about changes in the world and they are aware of changing trends, even before they happen.

But you know, they need us too. We’ve got the experience, knowledge and confidence. We can help them grow, inspire their creativity and motivate them and that’s why I started Inspirational Youth.

I wanted to create a team of young hairdressers and take them on the ultimate experience – a training course that ended up with doing a show. They learn how to create amazing hair, how to work on stage, how to create hair for a photo shoot, and how to talk to camera. They get to work with my top guys (which is pretty special in itself): Nick Irwin, our European Creative Director and other members of the Creative Team, give them one-to-one support, Mike Esa our Show Director gives them his first hand knowledge of presentation skills and working on stage, Mauro Carraro, head of our film department, gives them hints on interview techniques and films them too, the photographers at Bed Head Studio all work with them to give them tips on holding model castings as well as actually working on a shoot and Linda Evans, who is both our Cosmetics Director and my PR, is managing the Team this year to really help them fuse as a strong team entity.’

If past years are anything to go by, the individual team members will not only greatly enhance their skills and their confidence, but they will also bond as a unique team and make some lasting friendships.

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