Well, thanks to our specially-trained tutors at the Leeds Hair Academy your dream of becoming a hairdresser can actually become a reality. If you pop into our salon, too, we’d be more than happy to give you all the details you need about applying for our very own hairdressing academy.

Many of the stylists you see here have worked their way up as a result of starting out in our academy – and that could happen to you, too. Choose to take on a hairdressing apprenticeship and you’ll be given the time and skills to develop, as well as gaining real, paid experience in a salon while you learn.
Working in a salon four days a week alongside one day per week at our Leeds hair academy, you’ll start as a complete beginner before later graduating and having the chance to apply for jobs all over the world. You may also decide to stay on home soil for your first job in the industry – and that’s fine too. We’re here to help nurture you and your skills in the hope of ensuring you achieve exactly what you set out to.
It’s really all about having the right attitude to begin with. If you’re willing to learn and soak up all the knowledge our experienced stylists can offer, you’ll be the perfect candidate to become the next big hairdresser.
Yazz Hair Academy Leeds is a private training provider and we take immense provide in the selection and training of our staff to ensure you are able to develop your skills in a relaxed environment.
If you’re looking to learn more about a specific element of our hair Leeds apprenticeships here at the Yazz Academy, don’t be afraid to contact our academy manager on 07961226411.
Everyone has to start somewhere, so making the decision to embark on a course which will allow you to earn much-needed money while you learn will really help you on your way.
Train with us and we may even be able to offer you full-time employment here at Yazz hair Leeds when you’ve finished. But you may also find there’s a job available at the very salon you trained at; our apprenticeships are completed at a number of premises in partnership with us here at Yazz. We vet each and every one of our salons; too, so you can be sure you’re working in a professional environment throughout your training.
Have another query? Don’t be shy; pop into our salon or pick up the phone and we’d be thrilled to offer more information about our academy here at Yazz, or have a look at the Yazz Hairdressing Academy Gallery – it all starts right here!
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