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Adam's Close Shave for Macmillans Cancer Support

Adam Braves the Shave for Macmillan Cancer Support

Adam's Close Shave for Macmillans Cancer SupportAdam Bricklebank, Braves the Shave’ to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.
On Friday 18th December at 12.15 pm, Ralph Thoresby High School staff and students will gather to see Salon Owner, Paul Shakeshaft from Yazz Number One Hair Studio shave student Adams hair to a much shorter Grade One.

Adam has been growing his hair since January and his bouffant currently stands at 14cm.
Adam,Year 10 student has set himself a target of raising £5,000 for the charity over the course of his final two years at school.


Adam braved the shave today in front of students and teachers at school for Macmillan Cancer Support raising over £1,100.00, so far.

Salon owner Paul shaved off Adams locks not to a grade 1 as previously arranged but to a grade 0 whilst students cheered him on!

Look out for more news in the YEP next week

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