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New You, New Look! Visit Yazz Hair Leeds in 2016

If you’ve broken your New Year’s resolutions already, we say you’ve made the wrong kind in the first place. We say, depriving yourself of chocolate or cake was never going to work!

With that in mind, maybe it’s time to revise your resolutions – it’s not too late – in favour of ones you know you’re going to keep.

Blond-Short-Hair-Tall-RevWhy not start as you mean to go on and make a vow to ensure you keep to your monthly hair appointment and try a new look? You could start this month by giving us a call and getting booked in. And if you’ve been umming and ahhing about giving a short bob a go, maybe now’s your chance to do it.

Perhaps you’d also like to try a new colour, or maybe you’re keen to enjoy a spot of pampering in our Rawdon-based beauty salon? We can help you stick to those resolutions this year thanks to our great prices and brimming treatment list. You can even head to Yazz to try out our spray tanning booth ahead of a spot of winter sun – we really do offer a top to toe experience for all you hair and beauty fiends out there.

Here at Yazz Hair Leeds, we provide everything from intensive conditioning treatments to cut, colours, foils and more. We can transform your look – whether long or short – and ensure you leave the salon feeling great, whatever you opt for. And did you know we also stock a lovely range of hair products and accessories in our hair Leeds salons, too?

Buy the new GHD Gift Sets from Yazz this xmas

Pick up your favourite styling products or treat yourself to a pair of GHDs (don’t forget: you can also enter to win a pair via our Facebook page), all while popping in for your usual cut or colour. Or if you’re taking our advice and revising your New Year’s resolutions, our stylists will help you stick to them! There’s nothing difficult about coming to our hair salon and enjoying a hair cut or colour followed by a relaxing head massage, is there?!

So this year, ditch those hard-to-keep resolutions and instead make vows you know you’ll have no trouble keeping.

If you’re looking for some much-needed inspiration when it comes to a new style this year, look no further than right here on this blog. We’ve compiled handy guides including everything from the best looks of the last season or so, to convenient ways you can keep your hair in tip top condition. Take a look and keep an eye here on our site for more where they came from.

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