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Beauty Tips for March 2016 and Mothers Day!

The Best Beauty Advice We Ever Received From Our Mothers.

Mother’s Day is definitely a time to pamper your mom and shower her with gifts — but it’s also a time to reflect on what she has given you, too! Besides your gorgeous looks, we bet she’s passed down some sage beauty advice. In honour of, well, honouring the amazing women who gave birth to us, at Yazz hair & Beauty we rounded up the best grooming wisdom we’ve learned from our mothers!

My mum always told me to have self respect an love myself for who I am..Which I will pass on to my daughter along with drink plenty of water an treat people the way that you want to be treated?
Sarah beauty therapist at Yazz!

My mum always told me to be myself and never follow the crowd! And of course the perfect tips to applying lip liner and lipstick!
Alice senior stylist

My mother told me to always take my make up off at night with a proper cleanser!
Julie Radcliffe,Yazz barber!

My mother told me to always look my best and always exfoliate before tanning.
Abi senior stylist

My mums advise to me was to buy any labour saving devise to make my life easier, dishwasher, slow cooker. Also to look after my hands always moisturise my hands…
Sam Style Director

My mums advice was to always eat my greens and have 8 glasses of water a day for a clear complexion..
Yasmin, receptionist!

My mum always told me to keep hydrated at always moisturise to keep my skin amazing as beauty starts within.
Olivia King style director!

My mum always told me to brush my teeth twice a day and especially before bed.
Ashley- senior stylist

Don’t eat too many sweet things. keep active, drink plenty of water…and always have a smile. Lines are not from laughter but from frowning.
Jemma leach style director

My mum always told me to spray my armpits so I don’t offend anyone.
From the prospect Cameron Smithurst

My mom always told me to put Vaseline on my eyelashes to keep them looking thick and long.
Francesca, stylist

My mum always told me to stop eating when I was full…instead of eating for the sake of it.
Melissa Barclay senior stylist

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