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yazz-tigi-florida1 yazz-tigi-florida2Yazz and the TIGI and the creative team

Paul and I have just had the most amazing experience of flying to Orlando Florida with TIGI and the creative team. This was an art and education visit which was an amazing few days.

Our Itinerary started on arriving in Orlando on Friday the 4th of June 2010 with transfers to the Hilton Destination Parkway Hotel in Orlando. We attended a Cocktail Reception at the Bistro Patio where we met Simon Ostler and Anthony Moscolo who introduced us to our four day visit.

Saturday 5th June started with GET OVER YOUR JET LAG WITH TIGI’S PERSONAL FITNESS SESSION!! Running two classes from 06.15-07.00 to 07.15-08.00 this I can assure you was certainly a wake up call and a feeling of revitalised and refreshed! After breakfast we attended a Business meeting where we met four very successful people in the hairdressing industry. The presentations from Andrew Collinge, Sean Hanna, James Morrison, Robert Lobetta and Helen Ward wife of Richard ward were interesting and incredibly amazing. Each speaker spoke with passion energy and enthusiasm. Their journey through hairdressing was of great experience and a pleasure to be able to share their stories with them. Having just an hour to polish ourselves up we were then taken to the HARD ROCK HOTEL for evening dinner, this again was an experience I shall never forget!

Sunday 6th June was to see Anthony Moscolo appearing on stage with his creative team at the Premier Orlando show, WOW this was truly another amazing experience. We then attended Americas Salon International where we had chance to shop and to see other hairdressers performing. Finally we got the chance to actually relax round the pool where we let our hair down and become true to form hairdressers at the bar, WHAT FUN!!

Monday 7th June before returning on our transfers to the airport we had a chance to see the shopping malls this again was totally mind blowing.

I had the chance to meet some talented and inspirational people this had led me to bring this whole experience to life and share we my fellow colleagues.

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