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Young Stylist Jack Halloran aims high for Alzheimer’s Society

From Baildon Moor to Machu Picchu mountain.


Jack Halloran, young stylist at Yazz Number One Hair Studio in Rawdon, is only 4 weeks away from going trecking in Peru up the famous mountain Machu Picchu to raise money for a special charity close to his heart: Alzheimer’s Society. The more money that is raised for this charity the more research can be done and more understanding of the illness which will lead to a cure sooner rather than later. Jack has always wanted to travel to different parts of the world from a young age and has always wanted to visit South America. His inspiration/motivation for attempting a trek to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society, up mount Machu Picchu in Peru was his great grandma, who has now sadly passed away.

Jack said: ‘I am really looking forward to the 19 September 2018 when I begin what will be an incredible journey, hopefully fulfilling one of my many dreams. I have waited for this moment for a long time and have been using my spare time to raise money for this remarkable charity. Yazz Number One Hair Studio have helped me along the way and myself along with other stylists have attended a couple of local pubs, doing charity hair cuts! We have also run raffles to raise funds and raised awareness on social media on the Yazz facebook, instagram & twitter pages as well as my own families. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed/donated so far!’

Please help Jack achieve his target by making a donation through Just Giving. All donations are greatly appreciated!

We are wishing Jack an amazing and successful journey from all the Yazz Teams, clients, family and friends.